Simple Design Elements for your Home

Recently I decided to remodel our master bedroom. If you are like me you are always
looking for ways to keep the passion going. My husband and I
are hitting the 10 year mark and
my "go to" is, "change the Feng Shui of the room and shift the energy of the people and
the relationship". You get the point..
Here are a few simple changes, well not so simple, that added a big WoW to the
large rambling room with wrap around windows and Cape Cod shutters.
As much as I loved the shutters they had to go. My house is not a
cottage and the shutters were awkard, hitting each other as they opened.
Since the ceilings were over 20 feet high I went with wall papering the main
wall as an accent. This massive space has a small fireplace in one corner of the wall
which added to the vast dead space visually.
I wanted the room to have a soft quiet feeling, as it is a bedroom, without losing the
sexy intrigue. After several trips to the SF Design Center and
endless samples back and forth I settled on a french beaded
cream on cream wall paper. You will see by the photo.
I am not done with the
room. However this one element along with modern sconces by the bed turned
a dreary room into a beautiful destination. I settled on smokey Plum
for a duvet and added pale pink for pillows. With the help of Basha my designer I had 2 chairs made in a smokey plum pattern and
placed them along side of the Louie 14th aged Restoration Hardware dresser.
Next I will get a pretty chandelier, a mirror over the dresser, and one fabulous piece of art over the fireplace. After that I should be done. Stay Tuned...